Meeting with the Ambassador of Russia

21.03.2019 (15162)
Reception of the Austrian Embassy

20.03.2019 (14890)
Navruz holiday

19.03.2019 (16001)
Working visit to Latvia

17.03.2019 (15561)
Maslenitsa in Jurmala

10.03.2019 (15663)
Best travel deals

01.02.2019 (16092)
New and good for relaxing
31.01.2019 (16146)
The year of active work in Latvia

28.12.2018 (15786)
New Years congratulations

24.12.2018 (14000)
On the eve of Christmas

11.12.2018 (13758)
Development of Kazakhstan in the XXI century

07.12.2018 (13840)