The indicators of income of Latvian inhabitants 1998 2009
The below shows the situation of income of Latvian inhabitants in 1998 to 2009 years. These indicators are compared with the national minimum monthly wage, the subsistence level consumer basket per one person and with the average monthly income of pensioners in Latvia.
11.10.2010 (7934)
Top 25 Financial Sectors to Get Mandatory IMF Check-Up
Stability part of voluntary Financial Sector Assessment Program now mandatory 25 biggest, most interlinked financial sectors to get IMF review every five years, Decision strengthens, integrates IMF’s financial, economic surveillance
Economies with financial sectors that have the greatest impact on global financial stability are now required to undergo in-depth reviews of their financial health by the International Monetary Fund every five years.
Economies with financial sectors that have the greatest impact on global financial stability are now required to undergo in-depth reviews of their financial health by the International Monetary Fund every five years.
05.10.2010 (8166)
European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument cross border cooperation programme: Estonia Latvia Russia
The European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) is the Financial Instrument under which EC assistance to Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and South Mediterranean countries is provided since 1st January 2007
03.10.2010 (8426)
The main figures of the Latvian economics
Data for 2009 and 2 nd quarter of 2010 on the main economic indicators
30.09.2010 (7420)
Partnership with UN
During the crisis, it is especially important for companies to review their capabilities, to look for new markets in order to survive, to be competitive in the market and to develop.
24.09.2010 (7515)
Millennium Development Goals
With only five years left until the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), world leaders are meeting at a summit in New York (20-22 September)
21.09.2010 (7798)