New opportunities
Club members are shifting the workplaces, learning new skills, moving to higher positions in the career.

Janos Rekasi President of the Club, Counselor, Hungarian Embassy (2008 -2011).
Present Secretary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Cornelis J. Groeneveld President of the Club, Counselor / Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia (2008-2013).
After completing the mission in Riga, has worked in Iran and China. In the year 2020 was appointed as the Head of the Department for Consular & Operational Affairs in New Delhi, India

Mats Arne Staffansson Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of Latvia (2008 – 2013).
After completing the mission in Macedonia in the year 2019, he started to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
Barbaros Tuna Erdem Counselor, Turkish Embassy in Latvia (2005 – 2009).
Present Deputy Head of mission, Embassy of Turkey in Norway
Viktor Borecky President of the Club, Embassy of Slovakia in Riga, the Head of Trading — the economic department, the first Secretary (2002-2004).
He is continuing professional diplomatic career – as the Director of the Department for Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia
Thomas Castrel President of the Club, Economic and commercial Counselor to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia for Flanders, Economic section of the Belgian embassy in Lithuania (2016 – 2020).
Present General Representative of Flanders, Belgium in Poland, residing in Warsaw.
Igor Nazaruk Counselor, Embassy of Belarus of Economic Affair in Latvia (2008-2011).
Ambassador of Belarus in Armenia (2015-2020). Present – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.
Evgeny Lukyanov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Latvia (2016-2021).
He has been appointed as the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Belarus.
Andrei Sava Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Latvia (2012-2015).
He is continuing the diplomatic mission. Since 2019 he is Consul Embassy of Moldova in Poland

Igor Zaharciuc First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Latvia (2009-2012)
Vice — President of Diplomatic Economic Club (2010-2012)
Present – serving in the diplomatic mission in Geneva
Andrey Kozlov Second Secretary, Embassy of the Ukraine to the Republic of Latvia (2013 -2016).
Vice — President of Diplomatic Economic Club (2014-2016)
Present – Deputy of Head mission Embassy of Ukraine in the United Arab Emirates
Dr. S. M. Saiful Hoque Ambassador of Bangladesh to Russia, accredited by Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia (2009 2020)
Present Senior Advisor, BRIC Chamber Of Commerce & Industry
Afzalhon Artikov Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Latvia (2012 2018)
Present Head of the International Relations Department, Parliament of Uzbekistan
Shen Xiaokai Counselor, Trade and Economic Section, Embassy of China in Latvia 2018-2021
March 2021 started work Counselor, Permanent Mission of China to the UN
Members of the Diplomatic Economic Club are located more than in 35 countries. Networking and communication are strengthening friendship and understanding between different nations.